WSRO Insurance

As part of your US Soccer dues, you have insurance from USSF that covers “USSF-certified referees … while acting in their capacity as referees … during USSF sanctioned camps or clinics and during matches between USSF affiliated teams and leagues.” This insurance covers general liability (claims of injury to others or property damage) up to $1,000,000 per occurrence and $5,000,000 per event.

Injury to yourself may be covered by your personal medical insurance; check your policy for details.

Homeowners or umbrella policies may or may not cover your refereeing activities; check your policy for details.

If you want additional protection or peace of mind (for example, because you instruct, assign, assess or mentor referees, work for organized leagues other than a USSF-sanctioned program, referee other sports, or  are uncertain about what coverage you have), WSRO is pleased to offer you the opportunity to purchase NASO (National Association of Sports Officials) membership at a special group discount rate.

Note that if you have purchased NASO coverage at the group rate through another organization you are already covered and do not need to purchase it again through the WSRO.

About NASO coverage

NASO insurance provides, for any referee activity – including training, mentoring or assigning referees — for any recognized (“recognized” means organized and plays by written rules) sport at any level:

  • $6,000,000 coverage per occurrence and $14,000,000 aggregate per individual, general liability and personal injury coverage – in addition to whatever other insurance might apply
  • Up to $100,000 coverage for claims involving challenged game call that resulted in a claimed financial loss. (Example: loss of a scholarship that a player blames on your call.)

For more details and other benefits of NASO membership, please refer to the

Summary of NASO member benefit ( External link – NASO site)

What does it cost?

This benefit is completely voluntary and optional.  Your choice will not in any way affect your membership status or game assignments. 

In partnership with the high school referee association (WPASOA), WSRO is offering NASO membership at a special group price of $86 per year. (Note that you only need to purchase NASO membership once, regardless of the number of organizations or sports with which you may be involved.)

This is more than a 25% discount from the regular 1-year annual membership fee of $116.

Group memberships will begin on the first Monday in July,  and will run for one year. The sign-up deadline for participation is June 21.

You may sign up at, using your regular WSRO / Wild Apricot login.

For referees that are already NASO members or Referee magazine subscribers, (but are not already part of the group membership), the unused portion of your membership or subscription fee will be refunded to you directly by NASO.

Page last updated Feb 17, 2023